What is Hiking?

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Many people who never hike before think that I’m hanging from some rope down a cliff when I said I’m going hiking. For the record, I have never done that for my past 12 years of hiking.
Instead, I would like to describe hiking as – put your left foot forward, then your right foot forward, & repeat the same process 10,000 times. Most of the times, hiking is just walking in the nature. 
Sometimes, we walk on paved wooden walkways. Sometimes, forest soil ground. Sometimes, paths filled with big & small rocks. And the list goes on. It can be flat, it can be upslope or downslope. The idea is hiking allows you to get closer to nature.
If you’re interested to start hiking & is wondering how you get started in hiking, my advice is to start “walking” in the nature. It’s not much different from normal walking except you’re slightly slower & you take more care in where you step.
So, go out there & start hiking. You’ll be surprised in what you find in nature.
Posted in Hiking Thoughts.

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