Bukit Larut

Revision for “Bukit Larut” created on October 31, 2016 @ 00:23:50

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Bukit Larut
<h3 class="p1">
  • Bukit Larut - Share My Hikes
<h3 class="p1"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span class="s1">SUMMARY</span></span></h3>
<p class="p1"><span class="s1">Bukit Larut (also known as Maxwell Hill) is a hill resort located in Taiping, Perak, Penisular Malaysia. It is 1,250 meters tall.</span><!–more–></p>
<p class="p1"><span class="s1"> There is an access road to the top of the Hill which is strictly only for government authorised vehicles. The best view point of Bukit Larut is at the watch tower and hanging bridge (near Bukit Larut Station, 1,036 meters) overlooking the Peninsular coastline and Straits of Malacca.</span></p>
<p class="p1"> </p>
<h3 class="p1"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span class="s1">TRANSPORT</span></span></h3>
<p class="p1"><span class="s1">Bukit Larut is located at GPS: 4.860602, 100.759739 (<a href="https://www.google.com.sg/maps/place/4%C2%B051’38.2%22N+100%C2%B045’35.1%22E/@4.860602,100.757545,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0" target="_blank">maps</a>). At Taiping, locate route 74 and head northeast. Eventually, while on route 74, you will be on the the road name Jalan Taming Sari. Turn right to Jalan Taman Tasik for about 600 meter. Turn left to Jalan Bukit Larut for about 1km. You will see the entrance for "Coronation Swimming Pool" on the right, turn right to Bukit Larut carpark. Park your cars along the side of the road at Bukit Larut entrance. </span></p>
<p class="p1"> </p>
<h3 class="p1"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span class="s1">TRAIL</span></span></h3>
<p class="p1"><span class="s1">The access road, which is 13km long is the route to hike up Bukit Larut. The only exception will be at the foot of the hill whereby you can opt to hike the first part through the jungle trail. The jungle trail merges back to the access road at 2km. </span></p>
<p class="p1"><span class="s1">The jungle trail is a 1km walk of almost consistence upslope, which takes approximately 30-45mins to complete. As there are quite a number of trail diversion, numbered checkpoints (10 in total) are marked on trees. Follow the numbers to ensure that you are on the right trail. Upon reaching the access road, walk another 400 meters up the slope to a rest shelter which the locals call it "the third station." (GPS: 4.865910, 100.767420, turn 29)</span></p>
<p class="p1"><span class="s1">From the third station, it’s a 8km walk up the access road to "Bukit Larut Station" (GPS: 4.861984, 100.792966) and an approximate further 3km to Bukit Larut summit. </span></p>
<p class="p1"><span class="s1">For those who are not incline to walk up Bukit Larut, you can take the Jeep which service between the foot of the hill to Bukit Larut Station. The jeep runs hourly (schedule subjected to weather conditions and other factors) <span class="s2">from 8am to 3pm</span> (going uphill) and <span class="s2">9am to 4pm</span> (going downhill). The journey takes around 30 minutes and the ticketing office is at the foot of the hill. Tickets can only be bought on the spot on the day itself. It cost RM 6 for adults for a two way ride. </span></p>
<p class="p1"><span class="s1">You can attempt to make a special arrangement with the ticket office to pick you up at "the third shelter" for the journey going uphill. Hence, you will be able to hike the first part of the trail and continue the rest of the remaining journey by Jeep to Bukit Larut Station to enjoy the view. </span></p>
<p class="p1"> </p>
<p class="p1"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Jungle Trail to "Third Station"</span></p>
<td>Time (approx)</td>
<td>Height (m)</td>
<td>Lat (deg)</td>
<td>Long (deg)</td>
<td>Cross the wooden bridge behind the shelter at the foot of the hill </td>
<td>2 mins</td>
<td>A House on left. Keep right to stay on trail. </td>
<td>2 mins</td>
<td>Turn right to stay on trail</td>
<td>1 min</td>
<td>Take left trail</td>
<td>1 min</td>
<td>Wooden Bridge</td>
<td>2 mins</td>
<td>Wooden Bridge with a shelter beside it</td>
<td>4 mins</td>
<td>Keep right to stay on trail</td>
<td>6 mins</td>
<td>Number "5" checkpoint (on tree). Halfway</td>
<td>15 mins</td>
<td>Number "9" checkpoint (on tree).</td>
<td>4 mins</td>
<td>Main road – merge back to access road</td>
<td>8 mins</td>
<td>Arrive at "Third Station"</td>
<h3 class="p1"> </h3>
<h3 class="p1"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span class="s1">ACCOMMODATION</span></span></h3>
<p class="p1"><span class="s1">There are some cottages/bungalows at the top of Bukit Larut available for stay. The conditions of the bungalows varies. They generally only provides simple bed, simple bathroom and basic cooking facilities. It is advisable to bring your own food to cook. </span></p>
<li class="p1">Beringin (formerly known as Watson Rest House) 1036 meters. One of the better maintained bungalows. Two bedrooms, accommodates maximum of 8 person. RM150/night.</li>
<li class="p1">Tempinis (formerly known as Treacher) 1143 meters. Four bedrooms, accommodates maximum 10 person. RM100/night.</li>
<li class="p1">Rumah Rehat Gunung Hijau (formerly known as Speedy’s Chalet) 1113 meters. 4 rooms, accommodates maximum of 8 person. RM60/night. </li>
<li class="p1">Rumah Rehat Bukit Larut. 4 rooms, accommodates maximum of 8 person. RM60/night.</li>
<li class="p1"><span class="s1">Cendana (formerly known as The Hut) 1128 meters. Only bungalow with cafe.  </span></li>
<li class="p1">Sir Angkasa (formerly known as The Federal Bungalow) 1036 meters. Only rented out yo VIPs.</li>
<li class="p1">Sri Kayangan (formerly known as The Box) 1242 meters. </li>
<li class="p1">The Nest – privately owned residence</li>
<p class="p1"> </p>
<h3 class="p1"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">COST</span></h3>
<p class="p1"><span class="s1">Jeep Ride (2 ways) – RM 6</span></p>
<p class="p1">Bungalow/Cottage – RM60 to RM 200. </p>
<h3 class="p1"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span class="s1">CONTACT</span></span></h3>
<p class="p1"><span class="s1">Bukit Laruit Office – <span class="s2">+605-807 7241</span>/7243</span></p>
<p class="p1"> </p>
<a href="https://hikersforlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/bukit-larut-long.jpg" rel="attachment wp-att-908"><img class="wp-image-908 size-full" src="https://hikersforlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/bukit-larut-long.jpg" alt="bukit larut – long" width="4213" height="955" /></a> Bukit Larut View

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